

[Jan.21,2025]에레혼#15 IP and the Diffusion of Culture Insights from the Swiss Watchmaking Industry

  • 날짜 2025.02.03
  • 조회수 38

-주제 : Intellectual Property and the Diffusion of Culture: Insights from the Swiss Watchmaking Industry 
-내용 : this presentation explored how IP laws promote the spread of cultural values, examines the IP strategies of the Swiss watchmaking industry, and discusses market-based solutions that could shape future legislation. It highlighted the role of IP in transforming consumer goods into symbols of national cultural identity

  • 일시 :  2025년 1월 21일 12시~14시
  • 장소  : 서울대학교 17동 103호
  • 발표자 :  Gösken, Christophe (cgoesken@ethz.ch)  / 소속 : ETH Zürich (Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich)
  • 영어로 진행 

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